Thursday, February 19, 2009

Another poem

Perhaps I'm getting lame with all my poems, but I have another. I wrote this specifically for a couple amazing friends. I know that I am not the friend I could and should be. I fail at letting my friends know often enough how much I love them. When I wrote this, I was thinking about two in particular(you know who you are) so I'm dedicating this poem to them. But it's really for all of my friends.

My friend, I love you

I want to be the best kind of friend,
Not caring at all about style or trend.
To love you for who you really are.
Not for your looks, or those of your car.

You may not be 'cool' enough to hang with that crowd.
But if you'll be my friend, I'll be ever so proud.
Because in you, I see a different cool.
For in God's hand, you're His beautiful tool.

You say that you're ugly: gross to look at.
My dear, I really must disagree with that.
The beauty of you heart shines through on your face.
Ugliness? No! Not one single trace.

The best of friends you are too me.
As good a friend, I could never be.
Because I fail, too many days,
To show you I love you, in special ways.

How much I appreciate you, I want you to know.
But what if you don't, because I fail to show?
Not often enough, do I tell you "I love you!"
And when I do, do my actions say it's true?

If I've not told you today, and that's my fear,
I love you, I love you, I love you, my dear.
But even if I've said it already today, I'll say it again,
I love you, I love you, I love you, my friend.


Unknown said...

Thanks Melly. :) *smiles* You're awesome, and you rocketh! :D *hugs* I love you too girly! Thanks so much. :) *is totally happy to have such an awesomeness sis who can write such awesome poetry that is really meaningful* :D


Unknown said...

Melody, you're surely not getting lame by posting poetry. You're actually pretty good--FAR better than me at least... (Not that that is really saying anything... =P)

Anyways. This was a very beautiful and sweet poem. I daresay that the people to whom it was written surely appreciate that you recognized that you might not let 'em know how much they mean to you and then remedied that. =D