Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Oh wow, how to best describe GenJ. Well, for starters, GenJ is not the official name. It is short for Generation Joshua. GenJ is an organization with the purpose of getting kids(ages 11-19) to understand the politics that run our country and then help them to get involved.

On the website there is a forum where the members discuss/debate not only politics, but also biblical issues. There is also a chat room that is used for formal chats discussing current events in our country, book chats, etc. The chat can also be used for fun-chatting as as long as a formal chat is not happening.
When election time comes around every year, GenJ holds what they call 'Student Action Teams'(SATs). The SATs are an opportunity to go and campaign for candidates with pro-family platforms. You do everything from phone banking, to literature drops, to sign waving.
There is also a yearly camp were you get to put your political knowledge into action with the mock-election that is held. The week of camp is spent 'campaigning', listening to great speakers, and if you're brave enough, possibly getting yourself elected president. =D
The thing that is the biggest attraction right now,(besides the forum) is the Benjamin Rush Awards Program.

Ok, something tells me that was kinda confusing. So go here for a little more info that is not so confusing. Sorry about that. Me and describing things is not always the best mix. =P


Unknown said...

Sorry. :P
Oh, I'm the SAME way Mel. lol Say, if I'm trying to describe Winston, I'd say, "And he's fluffy, and, and, and... yeah." :P Hehe!
See ya later! Love ya girl! <3


Anonymous said...

Oh. . . Well, consider me a recruit, then. What's gotta happen?

Melody said...

Well, when you apply for membership, there is a place for telling if anyone referred you. So yeah, I guess you'll need my last name. My last name is Anderson. I'm also supposed to email the people in charge to let them know about you so that it will count for the award program. Umm..which sorta means I'll need your last name as well.

Anyways, YAY! Hehe, no, I'm not at all excited to have recruited someone. =P Who would have thought I'd get my first via blog. lol

Anonymous said...

It's Shawgo. I'll get right on it.

Unknown said...

Ha! I have to ditto, Maddie. GENJ ROCKS! =D =P And, congrats on your first recruit, girl!!! *shakes hand, nodding vigorously* Loverly work, dear.