Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yesterday I went to the most amazing wedding of some friends of mine and was inspired to write this. Enjoy!

In white silk she glides in slow
Every eye upon her
Her slender form moves gracefully
Causing each heart to stir
It's not the dress, though glorious indeed
That fills each one with wonder
'Tis the radiance of her face aglow
A spell she must be under

His name is strength and manly honor
But most of all 'tis love
There, up front he waits for her
Thanking his father above
He reflects her brilliant glow
As transfixed their eyes meet
He can't contain the growing joy
Barely keeping his feet

Beside him, noble friend supports
This momentous choice
He sees the love, God's hand at work
Some day it will be his voice
That proclaims the vows and says, "I do"
to the woman of his dreams
But now he waits for God's own time
As hard as it seems

Across from him a maiden fair
Wipes away a tear
Her beloved friend and sister
Takes a new name here
A shoulder to cry on, a listening ear
Always has she been
A gift of love, to be cherished and dear
From the One unseen

The mothers too begin to weep
Their children grown now leave
Hearts swell with a motherly pride
Most would not believe
Tears of mingled sad and joy
Trying to let go
Reminded of God and his promise
A hope for tomorrow

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awwee. :) I like it!! So pretty and.... heart-wrenching. Yeah. That. xD I really do like it! :)