Uhgness! I haven't posted in ages. I've been too busy with school and everything and my blog is neglected. It's my mom's birthday today. And it was Beky's last Thursday, and Rachel's last Monday. Gotta love big families with three birthdays in one week. =D Everyone is getting older. Poor dears. =P
Riah asked me to give Ben Rush updates so here's the first. I wrote a letter to the editor today. So only two more to write. It wasn't very long really, but I guess it was okay. Probably wont get published though because, horor of all horors, I said the word...."God". Which is so not PC. I also included a quote from Daniel Webster(had to have a quote from a founding father in the letter) that talked about Christianity being the foundation of civil society. Oh, and I should probably mention that the topic of the letter was same-sex marriage. And I said that its a BAD thing. So absically, I violated all rules of "seperation of church and state". So yeah, no way they will publish it. But oh well, I had to write it and it's done now. So I'm happy.
Less happiness.... one week until the first orchestra concert. And I sorta...*cough* have failed to practice much this semester. I can play the stuff mostly okay, but yeah, practice wouldn't have been a bad idea. But that's not the only thing that happens this Sunday. If you read my other blog you know that i entered in an essay contest. And this Sunday, they let the winners know that they won. And I know I didn't win, but still.... I can't help but sorta hope. I know, I shouldn't even bother hoping, but I do because I'm crazy.
And now it's like 11 and I really need to sleep. Sorry for rambling about nothing in particular, but sometimes, I just have my days and have to. If you were totally bored, or you hate me for being so random and all, umm...well that's what comments are for. =P But yeah, sorry, I'm off to bed now. Hopefully next time I have time for a post, I'll be less...rambly.
Melody! Rambling posts are ALWAYS the best. The show what's really on your mind. They show how you've *really* been. I love an support rambling posts. =)
Your letter sounds awesome. ^.^ And you never know... Sometimes the show the [evil] other side of things in their letter to the editor. They especially like when "little children" write in too. So mebbe it *will* get published.
You mentioned... Hope. "I can't help but sorta hope. I know, I shouldn't even bother hoping, but I do because I'm crazy." Hon, many people would tell you that any kind of hope is crazy. But I am not one of those people. Hoping even when the chances are slim... That is great stuff. It's hope that... Kinda makes things seem worth it when you're drowing in you to-do lists, promises, obligations et cetera.
As is generally the case, enjoyed your post. Thanks for sharin'. I'll be prayin'.
Mel, don't ya know? We all love rambling posts! =P
Haha, I know the thing about the birthdays... my mom, dad, and I have the same birthday month. 'Tis funny.
I'm really glad your letter got published!! =D The letter I wrote the my editor last year was... umm... seriously lame. I mean, I am serious. Serious, serious. It was awful. =P Yours was awesome!
Haha!! I know the feeling of not having practiced enough. =P lol 'Tis not fun... But yeah, I know it is hard to squeeze practice in with everything else. I have to do an *hour* of piano a day, and that is kind of annoying to squeeze in at the end of the day.
Anyway, I'm sure you'll do fine! =D
Hehe, well, thankee for rambling. =D Loverly rambling... =) lol Good post!
Thanks Riah. Needed that bit about hope! =D So yes, I will just keep on hoping... until Sunday. And if my hopes are dashed to pieces, I'll just remind myself that there's always next year.
I'm glad you two like rambling posts. I don't feel so bad about it now. =)
And just for randomness now... if you want to be really annoyed, go look up your congressman's and senators' voting records. I mean, these are the people representing me and they don't do a very good job of it. Now I'm glad I'm writing them a letter. They need it. =P
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